What are the Solutions To Your Computer Security Threats?

What are Some solutions to Computer Security:-

Cybersecurity protects data which we save on the internet. 
The data we save on the internet could be our online banking information, medical or financial information, even our private photographs.
There are many challenges that come with access to the internet.
Some safeguards(or solutions) to protect a computer system from accidental damage  are described as follows:-

1.Antivirus Software:-
Antivirus is an application software that is used to scan the computer system from an unwanted virus. It is software that is designed to prevent, search for , remove and detect viruses and other malicious software like trojans etc. It consists of computer programs that attempt to identify threats and eliminate computer viruses and other malwares.

antivirus software for computer
anti virus

Some popular antiviruses are follows:-

i. Avg   
ii. K7 
 iii. McAfee  
 iv. Kaspersky
 v. Quick Heal  
 vi. Norton 
vii. Avast etc.

  • Digital Certificate:-
Digital certificate is the attachment to an electronic message used for security purposes. It provides a means of providing your identity in electronic transactions. The common use of a digital certificate is to verify that a user sending a message is who he or she claims to be, and to provide the receiver with the means to encode a reply.

  • Password:-
Password is a secret word of characters used for user authentication to prove identity or access approval to gain access to a resource.

A password is typically somewhere between 4-16 characters long. It depends on how the computer system is setup. When a password is entered into a computer system, the computer system is careful not to display screen, in case others might see it.

There are two common modes of a computer password are as follows:-

1.Strong Password :- It is difficult to break. It is a combination of  symbols and alphabets.

2.Weak Password:- It is easily to remember and easily to break it.

  • Firewall:-
Firewall is a software based on hardware and it is used to help in keeping a network secure. It's primary objective is to control the computer from incoming or outgoing network traffic by analysing the data packets and determine whether it should be allowed through it or not, based on a predetermined rule set.

A network firewall builds a bridge between an internal network that is assumed to be secure and trusted. A firewall also includes a proxy server that makes network requests on behalf of workstation users.

  • File Access Permission:-
Most of the file systems have methods of assigning access or permissions rights to specific user and group of users. These system controls the ability of the users to view or make changes to the contents of the file system. File access permission refers to privileges that allow a user to read write and exex=cute files in a computer system.

There are three file access permissions as follows:-
1.Write Permission:-
If you have write permission, you can only modify or remove the contents of the file. In case of directory you can add or delete contents to the files of the directory.

2.Read Permission:-
If you have read permission, you can only see the contents of the file. In case of directory access means the user can read the contents of the file in a computer system.

3.Execute Permission:-
If you have execute permission of a file in a computer system , you can only execute a  file. In case of directory you must have execute access to the bin directory on order to execute it or cd commands.

  • The legal right to use software based on specific restriction's is granted via Software license.
  • Payloads is code in the worm designed to do more than spread the worm . Bomb virus has a delayed payload.
  • Software privacy means copying of data or computer software without the owner's permission to access it.
  • Keylogger:- It a software program designed to record every keystroke on the machine on which it runs.

Read about the threats to computer security:

Read different types of virus:
click here:-


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