Different Types of Virus and its effect?

 What are the Effect's of Virus:-

There are many different effects that viruses can have on your computer, depending on the type of virus.

computer virus is a malicious piece of computer code designed to spread from computer to computer. A subset of malware, these self-copying threats are usually designed to damage a device or steal data.

The kind of virus that makes you sick. It’s persistently nasty, keeps you from functioning normally, and often requires something powerful to get rid of it. A computer virus is very similar. It is designed to replicate computer viruses infect your programs and files.

A computer virus is malicious software that it replicates by copying itself to other programs in your computer system, or in any document and it changes the behavior of your computer system. A virus slows down your computer and it has the ability to reboot your system multiple times. A computer virus spreads between systems after some type of mistakes done by the user. Viruses replicate itself by creating their own files on an infected computer, they attach themselves to a program, and it infects your computer's boot process and reboot multiple times. It also modify or delete user documents.  There are two examples of Malware:-

1. Viruses 

2. Worms 

Virus is a broad category that includes any type of code written in malicious code. There are many ways which a virus can enter into your computer system like when a user opens an email attachment, runs an executable file without knowing it properly, go to an infected website or click on an infected website advertisement, in short it is also called malwaretising. Virus can also be spread through removable storage devices, like USB drives and memory cards. Once a virus enter into your computer, it can infect other software or computer resources. Virus can modify or disable the necessary functions or applications. It stops the whole process. Virus is a type of software program that is made for slows down your computer system and delete all your personal data.

 In a computer system it is more difficult to detect and identify virus.

computer malware kya h
computer malware

Some of the viruses can do:-

i. It monitors what are you doing.

ii. It slow down your computer's performance.

iii. Virus destroys all your data on your local disk.

iv. It affect on computer networks and the connection to Internet.

v. It increase or decrease your memory sizes.

vi. Randomly display different types of error messages.

vii. It decrease your partition  size.

viii. Alter PC settings.

ix. It extend boot times.

x. It create more than one partition.

Types of Viruses:- 

1. Worms:-
A computer worm is a standalone malware computer program that replicates itself in order to other computers. Often it uses a computer network to spread itself, relying on security failures on the target computer to access it. 
The Worms are hard to detect because they are invisible files.

e.g. Bagle, I love you, Morris etc.

2. Trojan:-
A Trojan or Trojan horse is a non-self replicating type of malware which appears to perform a desirable function but instead facilitate unauthorised access to the user's computer system. Trojans do not attempt to inject themselves into other files like a computer virus. trojan horses may steal information or harm their host computer system. It may use drive by downloads or install via online games or Internet driven applications in order to reach target computers. Unlike viruses trojan horses do not replicate themselves.

e.g.ZereAccess Rootkit etc.

Spyware is a program which is installed on a computer system to spy the information on the system's owner activity and collects all the information which is misused afterwards. Spyware tracks the user behaviour's and report back to a central source.

These are used for for either illegal or legal purposes. Spyware can transmit all the personal information to another person's computer system over the Internet.

e.g. FinFisher, Zango, keyloggers etc.

Symptoms of Malware Attack:-

Here is a list of symptoms of malware attack which indicates that your system is infected with a computer malware. 

Some primary symptoms of malware attack are as follows:-
1.The odd messages are displaying on the screen.
2.It slows down your PC.
3.It crashes your PC and restart again and again.
4.The drives are not accessible.
5.Some files are missing from your computer system.
6.Antivirus software will not run or installed in the system.
7.The mouse pointer changes it's graphic.
8.Your PC starts performing functions like opening and closing window, running programs on its own.

Some Other Threats to Computer Security:-

There are some other threats to computer security which are described below:-

Security Threats are dangers that can affect the functioning of your PC. 
These may be a small piece of adware or a harmful Trojan malware. 
In the present age, computer security threats are constantly increasing as the world is going digital.

Spoofing is the technique to access the unauthorised data without concerning to the authorised user. It accesses the resource over the network. It is also known as 'Masquerade'. IP spoofing is a process or technique to enter in another computer by accessing its IP address. Spoofing pretends to be a legitimate user and access to its computer via a network.

Hacking is the act of intruding into someone else's computer or network. Hacking may result in a Denial of Service (DoS) attack.
It prevents authorised users 👥 from accessing the resources of the computer. A hacker is someone, who does hacking process.

Phishing is characterised by attempting to fraudulently acquire sensitive information such as passwords, credit cards details etc. by masquerading as a trust worthy person.

It is the act of breaking into computers. It is a popular, growing subject on Internet. Cracking tools are widely distributed on the internet . They include password crackers, viruses etc.

Spam is the abuse of messaging system to send unwanted bulk messages in the form of emails. Spam is a subset of electronic spam involving nearly identical messages sent to numerous recipients by Email-Id.

Rootkit is a type of malware that is designed to gain administrative levels controls over a computer system without it is being detected.

It is the software package which automatically renders advertisements in order to generate revenue for its author. The term is sometimes used to refer the software that displays unwanted advertisement in a computer system.

Terms Related to Computer Security:-

1.Eavesdropping:- The attacker monitors transmissions for message content.

2.Masquerading:- The attacker impersonates an authorised user and thereby gain certain unauthorised privilege.

3.Logic Bomb:- Logic bomb is a piece of code intentionally inserted into a computer's memory that will set off a malicious function when specified conditions are met. They are also called slag code and does not replicate itself.

4.Proxy Server:- It can act as a firewall by responding to input packets in the manner of an application while blocking other packets. It hides the true  network addresses and used to intercepts all messages entering and leaving the network.

5.Patches:- Patches is a piece of software designed to fix problems with a computer program or its supporting data. This includes fixing security vulnerabilities and other  bugs and improving the usability and performance.


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