What is Internet? How Internet connects?

 What is Internet?

Internet has gained a popularity and emerged as an efficient means of communication in today's world. The idea of introducing the Internet was to allow billions of people to share information and ideas like audio, video, images etc. across the world. The Internet is a world wide network of networked computers those are able to exchange information with each other.

Internet, a system architecture that has revolutionized communications and methods of commerce by allowing various computer networks around the world to interconnect.
By 2020, approximately 4.5 billion people, or more than half of the world’s population, were estimated to have access to the Internet.

Internet stands for International Network, which began in 1950s by Vint Cerf known as the Father of Internet. Internet is a 'network of networks' that consists of millions of public and private networks of local and global scope. Basically network is a group of two or more computer system linked together

The Internet is a vast network that connects computers all over the world. 
With Internet people can share information and communicate from anywhere with an Internet connection..

History of  Internet:-

In 1969 , the University of California at Los Angeles, the University of Utah were connected as the beginning of the  ARPANET(Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) using 50 Kbits circuits. It was the world's first operational packet switching network. The goal of this project was to connect computers at different Universities and  U.S. defense.

In mid 80s another federal agency the National Science Foundation , created a new high capacity network called NSF net, which was more capable than ARPANET. The only drawbacks of NSF net was that it allowed only the academic research on its network and not any kind of private business on it. So, private organization and people started working to build their own networks, which were later interconnected with ARPANET and NSF net to form the Internet.

how internet connects

  • Advantages of Internet:-

The advantages of Internet are as follows:-
i. Internet enables one to connect anyone in the Internet.

ii. Internet allows you to easily communicate with other people.

iii. On Internet you can publish documents that saves on the Internet.

iv. A valuable resource for companies to advertise and conduct business.

v. Greater access to information reduces the research time.

  • Disadvantages of Internet:-

The disadvantages of Internet are as follows:-
i. Internet is a major source of computer viruses.

ii. Much of the information is not checked and may be incorrect or irrelevant.

iii. Cyber frauds may take place involving Credit/Debit cards numbers and details.

iv. The messages sent across the Internet can be easily accessible.

 How Internet connects?

The Bandwidth and cost are the two factors that help you in deciding which Internet connections is to use. The speed of Internet access depends on the bandwidth.

The Internet is a vast collection of networks that connect to each other. Computers connect to each other within networks and these networks also all connect with each other, one computer can talk to another computer in a faraway network thanks to the Internet. Internet makes possible to rapidly exchange the information between computers across the world.

Computers connect to the Internet via wires, cables, radio waves, and other types of networking infrastructure. All data sent over the Internet is converted into pulses of light or electricity, also called "bits," and then interpreted by the receiving computer. The more bits that can pass over these wires and cables at once, the faster the Internet works.

Some of the Internet connections available for Internet access are as follows:- 

1.Dial-Up Connection:-

A Dial-up is a method of connecting to the Internet using an existing telephone line to connect to the Internet. When a user initiates a dial-up connection, the modem dials a phone number of an Internet Service Provider (ISP) that is designated to receive dial-up calls. The ISP then establishes the connection which usually taken about ten seconds and is accompanied by several  beeping and buzzing sounds.

2.Broadband Connection:-
The term broadband commonly refers to the high speed Internet access that is always on and faster than the traditional dial-up access line.. It uses a telephone line to connect to the Internet. Broadband access allows users to connect to the Internet at a greater high speed than a standard 256KB modem or dial-up access. 
Broadband includes several high speed transmission technologies are as follows:-
  • Cable Modem:- 
This service enables cable operators to provide broadband using the same co-axial cables that deliver pictures and sound to your TV set. Most cable  modems are external devices that have two connections, one is connected to the cable outlet and the other is connected to a computer. They provide transmission speed of 1Mbps or more.

  • Digital Subscriber Line(DSL):-
It is a popular broadband connection. It provides Internet access by transmitting digital data over the wires of a local telephone network. DSL is the most common type of broadband service. It uses the existing copper telephone lines.

  • Broadband over Power Line(BPL):-
BPL is a the delivery of broadband over the existing low and medium voltage electric power distribution network. BPL is good for areas, where there are no other connections but power infrastructure exists.
e.g. Rural areas etc.

Wireless Connection:-

The wireless broadband connects a home or business to the Internet using a radio link between the customer's location and and the service providers facility. wireless broadband mobile can be fixed. Unlike DSL and cable wireless wireless broadband requires neither a modem nor a cable. It can be easily established in areas, where it is not feasible to deploy DSL or cable.

Some ways to connect the Internet wirelessly are as follows.

1. Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi):-
Wireless fidelity is a universal wireless networking technology that utilises radio frequencies to transfer data. Wi-Fi allows high speed Internet connection out the use of cables or wires. Wi-Fi networks can be use for Public Internet access at  "Hotspot" such as restaurants, coffee shops, hotels, airports, convention centers and city parks.

2.Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (Wi-MAX):-
It is one of the hottest broadband wireless technologies around today. Wi-Max systems are expected to deliver broadband access services to residential and enterprise customers in an economical way.

Wi-Max has the ability to provide service even in areas that are difficult for wired infrastructure to reach and the ability to overcome the physical limitation  of traditional wired infrastructure.

3.Mobile Wireless Broadband Service:-
These services are also becoming available from mobile telephone service providers and others. These services are generally appropriate for mobile customers and require a special PC card with  a built-in antenna that plugs into a user computer. 
Generally, they provide lower speeds in the range of several hundred kbps.

Other similar Topics related to this article:-

a. What is Intranet?
Ans:- Intranet is a private network for internet for Internet tools, but available within an organization. In large organization, Intranet allows an easy access to corporate information for employees.

b. What is Podcast?
Podcast is program either talk numeric that is made available in digital format for automatic download over the Internet.

c. What Extranet?
It is a is a private network that uses the Internet protocol and the public telecommunication system to security share part of a business information.

Q. What is the full form of INTERNET?
Ans. The full form of Internet is Interconnected Network that is a network system that connects millions of Web servers.

Q .Difference between WWW and Internet?
Ans. The world wide web is a way of exchanging information between various computers on the Internet.
While Internet, a system architecture that has revolutionized communications and methods of commerce by allowing various computer networks around the world to interconnect.
The Internet is a connection between computers and other devices that form a huge network of systems.


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