What is World Wide Web(WWW)? Some Other terms related to Internet?

Introduction to World Wide Web(WWW):-

WWW was introduced on 13th March 1989. The world wide web is a system of Internet servers that supports hypertext and multimedia to access to several Internet protocols on a single interface.

The world wide web is often abbreviated as the Web or WWW. The world wide web is a way of exchanging information between various computers on the Internet.

  • Web Page:-
Web page is the backbone of the world wide web is made up of files called pages or web pages, containing information and links to resources- both text and multimedia throughout the Internet. It is created using HTML. There are basically main two types of web pages as follows
i. Static Webpage
ii. Dynamic Webpage.
The main or first page of a website is called home page.

  • Website: -
Website is what a group of web pages that follow the same theme and are connected with each other with hyperlinks is known as Website. In other words " A website is a collection of digital documents which are made up of  HTML files that are linked together and that exists on the web under the same domain.
e.g. http://www.google.com is a website while
http://www.car.com/new/ is a Webpage.

  • Web Browser:-
Web browser is a software application that is used to locate, retrieve ,and display the content on the world wide web including Web pages. Web browsers are programs used to explore the Internet. We can install more than one Web browser on a single computer. The user can navigate through files, folders and Websites with the help of a browser.

There are two types of Web browsers as following:-
1. Text Web Browser:-
A web browser that displays only text based content or information is called |Text Web browser.
e.g. Lynx, which provides access to the Internet in the text mode only.

2. Graphical Web Browser:-
A  web browser that supports both text and graphic information is called Graphical Web  browser.
e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Google Chrome.
The first graphical web browser was NCSA Mosaic.

  • Web Server:-
A Web browser is a client that requests HTML files from web servers. The server computer will deliver those web pages to the computers that request them and may also do other processing with the web pages. Every Web server that is connected to the Internet is given a unique address, i.e. IP address made up of series of four numbers between 0 to 255 separated by periods.
e.g. Apache HTTP Server, Internet Information Services(IIS) etc.

Some other article related to Internet:-

Q. What is Web Address and URL?
Ans. A Web address identifies the location of a specific Web page on the Internet, such as 
https://www.techenthuz.com. On the Web, Web addresses are called URLs(Uniform Resource Locator).

It is the web address for a Website or Web page. Tim Berners Lee created the first URL in 1991 to allow the publishing of hyperlinks on the world wide web.
e.g. "http://www.google.com/services/index.html"

http://  -  Protocol identifier

www   - World Wide Web

google.com   -  Domain name

/services/   - Directory

index.html   -  Web page


 Definition of Interconnecting Protocols:-

A protocol is a set of rules that govern data communications. A protocol defines what is communicated, how it is communicated and when it is communicated.

The Internet Protocol (IP) is a protocol is used for routing and addressing packets of data so that they can travel across networks and arrive at the correct destination. 
Data traversing the Internet is divided into smaller pieces, called packets. IP information is attached to each packet,
and this information helps routers to send packets to the right place. Every device or domain that connects to the Internet is assigned an IP address, and as packets are directed to the IP address attached to them, data arrives where it is needed.

Generally some of protocols used to communicate via an Internet are as follows:-

1. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol(TCP/IP):-
The details of TCP protocols are as follows:

a. Transmission Control Protocol(TCP):-
It provides reliable transport service, i.e. it ensures that message sent from sender to receiver is properly routed. TCP converts messages into a set of packets at the source which are then reassembled back into messages at the destination.

b. Internet Protocol(IP):-
Internet protocol allows different computers to communicate by creating a network of networks. IP handles the dispatch of packets over the network. It maintains the addressing of packets with multiple standards. Each IP packet must contain the source and the destination addresses.
A IP address is a 32 bit number.

2.Hyper Text Transfer Protocol(HTTP):-
It defines  how messages are formatted and transmitted and what actions should be taken by the Web Servers and browsers in response to various commands.

3.File transfer Protocols(FTP):-
File transfer protocol can transfer files between any computers that have an Internet connections and also works between computers using totally different operating systems. 
Some examples of File Transfer Protocol software are FileZilla, gFTP, Konqueror, etc.

4.Telnet Protocol(TP):-
It is a program that runs on the computer and connects PC to a server on the network. The protocol used on the Internet or Local Area Network. Telnet session will started by entering valid username and password.

5.Point-to-Point Protocol(PPP):-
Point-to-Point protocol is a dial account which puts your computer  directly on the Internet. A modem is required for such connection which transmits the data 9600 bits per second.

6.Usenet Protocol:-
The Usenet service allows a group of Internet users to exchange their views and information on some common topic that is of interest to all the members belonging to that same group.

Several such groups exist on the Internet are called newsgroups. Usenet has no central server or administration.

7.Simple Mail Transfer Protocol(SMTP):-
It is the standard protocol for Email services on a TCP/IP network. It provides the ability to send and receive E-mail messages.

8.Voice Over Internet Protocol(VoIP):-
VoIP allows delivery of voice communication over 'IP' Internet Protocol networks.
e.g. IP calls etc.

9.Wireless Application Protocol(WAP):-
A wireless application protocol browser is a commonly used Web browser for small mobile devices such as cell phones.

Other Topics related to:-
Q. What is HTML?
Ans- It stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML is used for designing Web pages. A markup language is a set of markup(angular bracket < >) tags which tells the Web browser how to display a web page word's and images for the user. Each individual markup code is referred to as an element or tag. 


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