What is Domain Name? What is Domain Name System(DNS)?

 Introduction to Domain Name:-

Domain is a group of network resources assigned to a group of users. A domain name is a way to identify and locate computers connected to the Internet. A domain name must be unique. It always have two more parts, separated by period/dot(.).
e.g. google.com, microsoft.com etc.

When referring to an Internet address or name, a domain name is the location of a website. Domain is name of website.

Domain Abbreviation:-
Domains are organised by the type of organisations and by country. A three-letter abbreviation indicating the organization and usually two-letter abbreviation indicating the country name.

Most common domain abbreviation for organisation are as follows:-

.com   -  Commercial

.info   -  Informational organization 

.gov    -  Government 

.edu   -  Educational 

.net  -  Network resources 

.org   -  Non-profit organization 

.mil  -  Military 

  • Some Domain abbreviation for the country are as follows:-

.in  -  India

.au  -  Australia 

.fr  -  France

.nz  -  New Zealand 

.uk  -  United Kingdom

Definition of Blogs:-

A blog is a website or Web page in which an individual records opinion, links to other site, on regular basis. A typical blog combines text, images and links to other blogs, Web pages and other media related to its topic. 

Most blogs are primarily textual although some focus on their art, photographs, videos, music and audio. These blogs are referred to as edublogs. The entries of blogs is called posts.

  • Newsgroups:-
A newsgroup is an area on a computer network especially the Internet, devoted to the discussion of a specified topic is known as Newsgroup. Online discussions group that allows interaction through electronic bulletin board system and chat sessions.

What is Search Engine?
Ans:- Search engine is a website that provides the required data on specific topics. Search engines turn turn the Web into a powerful tool for finding information on any topic. When a search engine returns the links to a web pages corresponding to the keywords entered is called a hit or known as miss.

Many search engines also have directories or lists of topics that are organised into categories. Browsing these directories is also a very efficient way to find information on given topic the user searched for it.

Here are some of the most popular search engines are as follows:-

Google   -   http://www.google.com

Yahoo    -   http://www.yahoo.com

Bing   -   http://www.bing.com

Excite   -   http://www.excite.com

WebCrawler   -   http://www.webcrawler.com

Some other terms related to this article:-

Q. What is Domain Name System(DNS)?
Ans.  A domain name system stores and associates many types of information with domain names, but most importantly, it translates domain names(computers host names) to IP addresses. It also lists mail exchange servers accepting E-mail for each domain. DNS is an essential component of contemporary Internet use.

Q. What is Internet?
Ans. Internet stands for International Network, which began in 1950s by Vint Cerf known as the Father of Internet. Internet is a 'network of networks' that consists of millions of public and private networks of local and global scope. Basically network is a group of two or more computer system linked together

The Internet is a vast network that connects computers all over the world. 
With Internet people can share information and communicate from anywhere with an Internet connection.

Q. What is World Wide Web(WWW)?
Ans. Internet stands for International Network, which began in 1950s by Vint Cerf known as the Father of Internet. Internet is a 'network of networks' that consists of millions of public and private networks of local and global scope. Basically network is a group of two or more computer system linked together

The Internet is a vast network that connects computers all over the world. 
With Internet people can share information and communicate from anywhere with an Internet connection..


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